Facebook Cover Photo Collage Maker | New 2019

Facebook Cover Collage

A picture collection for your Facebook account displays all your preferred pictures as one huge collection in a single photo. Using cost-free online photo-editing tools, you can have your collection up on your profile in an issue of mins. While Picture2Life needs you to register, Forming Collage and Photovisi do not. Each tool supplies various means to develop as well as edit your collection, so take into consideration trying them all, seeing what each gives the table.

Facebook Cover Photo Collage Maker

Forming Collection

1. Log right into Facebook as well as publish the pictures you wish to add to your collection. Put your pictures into the very same album, since Shape Collage makes use of all images in a selected album when creating your collection.

2. Kind "Forming Collage" into the search box near the top of the page, to the right of your notifications. Pick "Forming Collage" under the "Application" heading.

3. Click "Most Likely To Application" if Facebook takes you to the page to "Like" the tool. Click the big blue "Beginning!" and click "Allow" when the application demands approval to access your account details.

4. Select the album including the pictures you want in your collection. Pick the shape you want your collection to take under "Select a form." Go into any kind of message you want to accompany the collection in the text box and click "Create.".

5. If you do not like the outcomes, hit the "back" switch and select a new form or cd. If you are satisfied, click "Conserve to Cd" in the upper-right edge of the application. Wait until the button's message changes to "Photo Saved!" Clicking it takes you to the image in a brand-new cd.


1. Most likely to Picture2Life.com and also register on the appropriate side of the web page. Enter your desired username, your email address as well as your desired password, after that click "Sign Up.".

2. Click the check box next to "I have actually reviewed and also accept the Terms and Conditions" and also click "Register" again. Most likely to your email address as well as open the new mail from Picture2Life.com; if you do not see it, check your scrap folder. Click the e-mail's blue web link under "Please click the following LINK" to verify your registration.

3. Click "Upload" on the "Verify Account" page. Click the very first "Pick Data" and also navigate to your computer's place consisting of the pictures you want in your collection. Select the initial photo as well as click "Open." Click the next "Pick Documents" switch as well as repeat this action to publish several pictures swiftly.

4. Click "Develop a Collection" under "With the selected pictures." Ensure every one of your photos are selected with a red square around every one, then click "Create Collage Now" to the right of the pictures.

5. Click "Conceal" on the "Included" window unless you wish to attempt the featured collage. Click "All Collages" on the delegated choose your collection shape as well as default format. Make use of the "Please choose one ..." drop-down box on top to narrow the formats by group.

6. Select your desired format and also click "Create" to make the collage as it is envisioned, or click "Personalize" to edit it. If you picked "Tailor," make use of the classifications in the left pane of the website to modify your collection. Click "Use Now" when you end up.

7. Click "Download and install" in the menu bar near the top of the window. If asked, conserve the picture someplace you'll quickly keep in mind, like your desktop computer.

8. Go to Facebook and also visit. Post the collage as you would certainly any other Facebook image.


1. Go to Photovisi.com and also choose "Go here to start!" Pick your template, after that click "Include products" as well as "Photos from computer.".

2. Browse to your computer system's place with the pictures for your collage as well as click the initial one. Hold back the "Ctrl" trick and choose the other photos. Click "Open up" to submit the photos.

3. Drag them with your mouse to reorganize their order. Click "Add things" and also choose a classification to include an additional picture or shape to your collection. Use the tools to the right of the collection to further edit and also personalize. When done, click "End up" near the page's top-right edge.

4. Choose the picture's resolution, which identifies the collage's physical size, top quality and also how huge the data is, with greater resolutions comes a larger, better picture. Click "Go Here to Continue," after that "Visit this site to download your collection!".

5. Select "Click to share on Facebook" to upload it straight from the web site to your Facebook wall surface. To publish the picture, click the black "X" and "Click on this link to download your collage." If your Internet internet browser provides you the choice, select a download place you will easily bear in mind, like your desktop.

6. Sign in to your Facebook account. Upload your collage to your account like you finish with various other images.